Spiritual direction: listening to women, looking for God

Do you wish you had someone who would listen to you talk about what’s most important in your life, who would hear your deepest questions without judgment? Take time for God by connecting with another woman who will hear your story and help you find the invitations of God in the midst of it.

Spiritual direction is the practice in which you pay attention, with another person, to how God is working in your life. It is a confidential, grace-filled space to explore the questions that you find important to your spiritual life and it helps you respond to God’s invitations to a deeper relationship with Him.


What is spiritual direction?

It’s a one-on-one meeting where you talk about what’s on your heart - your experiences, your emotions, your questions. Then through conversation , questions, and periods of silent prayer, we look for how God is working in your life through these things. The goal is not necessarily to solve problems, but to seek God. We normally meet for about an hour, once a month, and can be in-person or on Zoom. I focus on meeting with women, but there are many skilled spiritual directors who work with men also.

What is a spiritual direction session like?

What is Developmental Soul Care (DSC)?

Developmental Soul Care is a subset of spiritual direction that uses spiritual practices to position people to experience developmental affirmations and truths in the context of their relationship with God. It takes one through the stages of human development one by one over the course of about a year and a half to encounter God and ask Him to bring truth, repair and well-being to our souls. It also incorporates some “homework” outside of the spiritual direction time. These are spiritual, creative, and developmental tasks that one may choose to do to help rewrite story you tell yourself about your story as you begin to feel and experience your memories from God’s perspective.

Other ways to take time for God

Imaginative Scripture Reading

Explore Scripture studies that engage your heart as well as your mind. Each study includes one passage from Scripture and several questions to think about slowly and prayerfully. These questions are meant to help you deepen your conversations with God rather than to determine the exact historical meaning of the text. You can print them and use them to journal your thoughts and prayers.

Listening Prayer

Investigate ways to grow in relationship with God through asking God questions and listening for the insights He gives you. This can include self-examination, listening to your body, and listening to God’s word.

Get started with spiritual direction, today.