Find out if spiritual direction is right for you as you take time for God
“Come, everyone who thirsts, come to the waters; and he who has no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without price. Incline your ear, and come to me; hear, that your soul may live” Isaiah 55:1, 3
Is spiritual direction really Christian?
Spiritual direction is used by people of a variety of different faiths. Christian spiritual direction is about listening to another person’s interactions, thoughts, questions, emotions, and struggle with the triune God presented in the Bible. Those who come to spiritual direction do not have to be certain that they believe in the God of the Bible, but I am a Christian and will approach God in that manner.
How is spiritual direction different than counseling?
Spiritual direction is not meant to replace Biblical, pastoral, or psychological counseling. It differs primarily in its focus: the intention in spiritual direction is not to help solve a problem, but rather to look for God’s activity within any problems and within the rest of the person’s life experience. This perspective invites you into deeper relationship with God in the midst of whatever you are experiencing.
How is spiritual direction different than discipleship or mentoring?
Spiritual direction is about prayerfully listening to another person’s interaction with God. In this setting, advice is not usually needed or wanted. I do not tell someone in spiritual direction how to grow in their faith or relationship with God. I listen to how they are already interacting with God, support them in that, and offer questions that they might consider bringing to God in future prayer times.
How much does it cost?
Rates vary among spiritual directors. I operate under a “pay or pay it forward model”. Most women I work with choose to pay it forward through the use of their own gifts and abilities, but if you prefer, you may choose to pay my rate of $40 per session through check, Venmo (@DianeUy), or Zelle (
What is Developmental Soul Care (DSC)?
Developmental Soul Care is a subset of spiritual direction that use spiritual practices to position people to experience developmental affirmations and truths in the context of their relationship with God.
We all have uneven places where our foundations were not well built. Traumas and losses cause us to get stuck again and again. By going back to the early affirmations of a healthy life, empowered by the Holy Spirit, we can encounter God as He brings truth, repair and well-being to our souls. We grow experientially through life experiences with God, ourselves and others, and these experiential connections with God, within the context of Spiritual Direction, can be an avenue to shift early feelings, memory, and neurology.
There will be an invitation to interact with God through scripture, worship, prayer, and personalized spiritual practices that help you to connect with God at the heart level. You will select key creative practices that deepen your experience of what God is revealing to you. You will also choose life rhythms, activities and tasks that assist you in experiencing comfort, safety and love in your relationship with God, others and yourself. Implementing these are part of restoring neurological pathways and experiential truths.
The sessions are a bit more guided than traditional spiritual direction, beginning with an overview of your spiritual life story and then progressing through age-related developmental stages.